Vehicle License Plate Search

A simple API for accessing vehicle information from United States license plates. Returns vehicle make, model, year, trim, fuel type and engine specs.

URL Format

There is a single endpoint for accessing the plate information. It requires an API key for authentication.

Parameters Description

PLATE_STRING :  License plate characters, max length of 8. Example: ABC1234

STATE_ABBREVIATION :  2 letter abbreviation of the state. Example: NY

IS_AUTHENTICATED :  Bool, if TRUE authentication is required. If FALSE only dummy info will be returned.

Response Format

Returns JSON formatted response.

{ "plates:[
      "engine" :[
          "value":"V8,6.2,6162,376,Electronic,SFI,GAS,FI,DI,Naturally Aspirated,7,LT1,2,OHV"


The API is currently in private beta and requires a registered user agent to receive production data. If IS_AUTHENTICATED is false then the API will return example dummy data.

To request access to the API please send an email with a few sentences explaining your use case and expected requests per day.

Made in the forest